Category Archives: Service

Automotive repair technician with a customer

Auto Repair Edmonton: Where Can I Get Auto Repair and Maintenance Services in Edmonton, AB?

Where to Get Auto Repair in Edmonton, Alberta   

Owning a vehicle comes with the responsibility of regular upkeep and maintenance. From daily commutes to road trips, your car should be in good condition for optimal performance and safety. If you want to know where to get auto repair in Edmonton, please read below to learn about the benefits of vehicle repair at YEG Drives.

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Topping off coolant in the radiator of a vehicle

How Can I Maintain the Cooling System of My Car?

Tips to Maintain Your Vehicle’s Cooling System 

As the temperature soars and summer road trips beckon, it’s crucial to ensure that your car’s cooling system is in tip-top shape. A well-maintained cooling system is your vehicle’s defense against overheating, and it’s essential for a smooth and trouble-free journey. Here are some key tips to maintain your vehicle’s cooling system so that it remains in excellent condition. If you’d like assistance with the following steps or you think the cooling system needs repairing, drop by YEG Drives in Edmonton, AB, for a detailed inspection by one of our expert technicians. 

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Oil changing process at a service station

Where Can I Get My Vehicle’s Oil Changed in Edmonton, AB?

Oil Change Service Near Edmonton, Alberta   

Your vehicle’s engine is like the heart of your car, and just like your heart needs proper care to function efficiently, so does your engine. An important aspect of engine maintenance is the regular oil change service. Please continue reading below to learn more about its benefits. Also, you can get your vehicle serviced at YEG Drives, our dealership in Edmonton, AB.  

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Service professional checking brakes of a vehicle

How Often Should You Get Your Vehicle’s Brakes Inspected?

How Often Should I Get a Brake Inspection?

When it comes to vehicle maintenance, few things are as critical as your brakes. They are your first line of defense in avoiding accidents and offering safety on the road. That’s why it’s essential to know how often you should get your vehicle’s brakes inspected. Read this blog post by our team at YEG Drives in Edmonton, AB, to learn more about the time interval at which you should get your brakes checked.

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Service professional working on a vehicle

Where Can I Get My Vehicle’s Wheels Aligned in Edmonton, AB?

Get Your Vehicle’s Wheels Aligned at YEG Drives in Edmonton, AB!

Are you tired of that annoying steering wheel vibration or the uneven tire wear on your vehicle? Well, it might be time to get your wheels aligned, and there’s no better place to do it in Edmonton, Alberta than YEG Drives. In this blog post, we’ll explore why YEG Drives is the go-to destination for all your wheel alignment needs.

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